Monday, November 17, 2008

New couch, new bed, dead car.

This week we really didn't do much of anything to the house, but we did manage to stimulate the economy by buying some furniture. In one productive Saturday afternoon in the suburbs, we managed to find not only a king-sized bed (just mattress and box spring - we still need to buy some actual bedroom furniture yet) that will go upstairs, AND a lovely microfiber sectional sofa for the living room.

The sofa is a light tan and is pretty much identical to this:

It will fill up the room quite a bit, and hopefully work really well with the half-octagon wall of windows. I'm hoping microfiber is a good choice for the cats. I know it will collect a good deal of hair, but I think anything else they'd have the potential to destroy. They like to sink their claws into anything textured, like Berber carpeting or anything tweed-like.

The couch and bed are getting delivered Now we have to figure out what to do with the other couch. It's not going to fit in the basement, and I am not super-excited about putting it upstairs, so I may put it on Craigslist and see if I can get a couple hundred bucks for it.

As for the car, well, I'm not exactly sure what is wrong with it at this point. It's most likely something with the clutch, as it's not going into gear. Off to the mechanic it will go this afternoon...and hopefully won't be a super expensive thing to fix, especially as we just got the clutch replaced a few months ago. Ugh. I guess this is part of the joys of homeownership and adulthood - there's always something in need of repair.

0 shout-outs: